
I have been using Ryan Air for all of my little flights in-between countries. In order to get from Romania back to Denmark, I had to go to Ireland first because Ryan Air doesn't fly to and from all countries. I had already been to Dublin and explored the bustling city, so I decided to stay by the water and have a more scenic day. We arrived very late at night in Ireland. I knew this in advance so I had previously e-mailed the hotel to let them know...Always check your hotel's check-in policy. If I hadn't done this, we would have been stuck in the cold because this hotel's reception desk is not normally open at night.

Fierce was ready to go the next morning so we fueled up on granola bars and I downed a coffee. Then we went exploring around our hotel. It was right on the water so I was pretty excited to soak up the scenery. I brought Fierce's soccer ball with us too. First we walked the shore. It was fantastic! Then Fierce was complaining about the wind in his face which really meant he was tired so we went back and grabbed his stroller and went on a snooze cruise. I saw a few village houses before the sidewalk ended and then went the other way back to the shoreline and followed it until it ended at an old mental health hospital...spooky on such a gray and cloudy day. lol...not really.

Later in the afternoon we did all of this all over again, but added some drumming on the rocks and throwing rocks into the ocean.

I realized it was St. Patrick's Day the next day so we decided to check out the vibe of the city. I had read that some of the main buildings would be lit up green so I thought it would be fun to walk around and see it all. My hotel gave us a ride to the train station and in 20 minutes we were at the city center. We walked all the way to St. Patrick's Cathedral and waited for it to be lit up green. It really was worth the effort. On the way back we got to see several churches, a library and other government buildings all lit up green for the festivities. I really wish we didn't have to fly out on St. Patrick's Day because there is supposed to be a big parade. However, it was really fun to be apart of the Greening of the City. I bought Fierce an Irish flag and a bear and got some cute pics...yaya!


Copenhagen & The End to a Great Trip

