New Book Release!

Case Law for Kids is a great resource for the whole family to dive into and teach kids their rights as U.S. citizens. The unit studies highlight landmark US Supreme Court cases to provide true stories that follow the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution in a fun and interactive way. One of my favorite parts is that children’s history books, songs from the era and field trips are recommended for each year a case is decided to immerse your child in the context of the case. Get a copy for your kids and grandkids!

Check out the Scoop of the Year!

​​Many States require later elementary students to learn about their rights as US. Citizens. What better way than to take a look at some of the cases brought before the Supreme Court and judged against the bedrock of the Constitution? In these units, we will be exploring United States Supreme Court Case Law. Each unit will relate to one (or more) of the Amendments of the US Constitution. There will also be a treasure box of historical context that relates to the case itself or the year the case was decided. Music Mondays will showcase a famous song from that year. Likewise, Friday Night, Movie Night will offer a kids movie suggestion. Not the type to stay in? Change it up with Field Trip Friday. Don’t do either or do both! It’s meant to be fun, so adjust for your family’s needs. Each unit will have several history book suggestions that are meant to immerse you in the culture of the case. Let’s Dive in!