The Rain Didn't Stop Us

Embracing the rain, we headed out to explore. We started off with a nice, warm breakfast. Fierce enjoyed Nutella and banana pancakes and I tried the local flair of fried poached eggs on toast with spinach, radish, ham and goats cheese. Both of us were oohing and ahhing over our choices and ready to begin our day.

Umbrella up, we walked to the bus stop and took the bus to Mirogoj Cemetary. Even in the rain, it was beautiful. There was a funeral being performed so we did not go inside the building, but the grounds are lovely.

Returning to the city center, we shopped a bit and even stopped for gelato...The taxi driver from the airport had recommended the ice cream shop and Fierce was so excited to try it, I think we forgot we were fighting the cold. He loaded up a three scoop bowl of vanilla, oreo, and mango. I helped, but we finished every last drop.

Our next stop was the Illusion Museum. This was really fun. The museum is small, but full of interesting and interactive exhibits. I liked the one that made it look like you were upside down. Fierce's favorite was the mirrored room where you could run around and get absolutely dizzy. He liked this museum so much that he did most of the stations twice before we left.

On our rainy walk home, we shopped at a few stores and grabbed take-away food. Back at the hotel, we are cozing in and going to reset for more adventures tomorrow.


Hello, Malta!


Old Town, Zagreb